Wednesday, October 18, 2006

okay ive been wanting to do this for some time
here's a tribute to everyone who has made my life in cjc fun

Aaron Yeo: Thanks for everything man dude, youve been a real friend, one who i know i will definitly have in the years to come. Thanks for all the late night calls(of which they have only been a few) and stuff. anyways, youre a smart kid, im sure once you fix that attitude(dude, too slack), you'll go far.

Don: Thanks for NOTHING. all your irritating one-liners like "my shoulders very small meh?" and "wahlou eh you damn mug eh you" and "i never mug". all a bag of lies. anyways, seriously man, youre also one of my best friends in class and it'd be such a pity if we lose contact, so dont stop calling me yea.

Brendan: shiny.

michelle chow: youve been fun to hang out with in school, nothing beats making fun of that lousy mole on your face. anyways, stay fun, and my sincere best wishes to whatever you choose to do post JC.

leo: fucker whole day "mrs tan, aaron has something to ask you". haha its been great having you in chem class you knowS. how about a moofie man? seriously i would just die without you in chem class. douoououououououun make fun of me. sure thing man, see you soon.

gahgen: i think most of you know him as ken, but please his name is Gen. so gen, just choose 1 lah. choose a girl, that will help a 100 other girls move on with their lives. and move on to me. okya. please. seriously, keep in touch, ill keep you updated. ill tell you how hea(v/r)y i am. and whether i join the na(f/v)e.

benji: dont poke me, he says, as he pokes you with his 30 cm ruler. haha. anwyays, take care man, im sure we wont totally lose contact. keep calling ken gen man, that way ill like you more.

donnny: ECONS PRO! seriously man you are the most consistent econs srudent ever. but you chem...haha, good luck for the As man, and good luck with the post A levels.

simone: who has just told me this will never be done. so in your face! or thighs! i spelt it correctly. you are just about the most fun classmate to fun, stay that way, you will always have people around you, and good luck with everything you pursue. may i point out there were no spelling errors in this entire tribute to you. wait. why am i even paying trubute to you?

ronald: HTC. cant belive leo almost got your pose, youve been a good htc. and heres to more spades! G unit will always own team spades and all the other teams you represent. and hopefully 1 day you will learn that liverpool are the best team around.

eugene: ehh genius. nice to know youve been farting. and i realise how grosse that sounded. but heck, its nice to know. thanks for all the help in studies over the past 2 years, the spades and games. p tinngi was fun. nice kayaking with you. actually it sucked. it wasnt you. i think it was me. we were going in 8s. haha. as in the direction of travel was like the number 8. fun stuff.

jan: ahh. you. okay don go. ill never forget that moment. it was funny watching from where me and eugene were on our kayaks. ill definitly see much more of you post As. good luck with the A levels! and with everything else.

mel: mel i think you should frame the photo you took with me. and keep it. haha seriously, its been great having you as a classmate hopefully we dont lose contact yea. all the best for the a levels and beyond yea.

okay. thats all for today. i may finish everybody else another time, but if i never get round to doing it, here's just a list of names if the people that have enriched my time in cj.

michelle ang yongwen seelin dennis rachel shingyee daner clarence ervin alicia wuyuan eunice teo. i hope i got everyone from t 19 im just wrting in order of seating position in class.

other non t 19npoepole:
maggot malcolm cedric jacob haoming gerard leow.

and many many more but if i start now, ill never stop.

thank you all so very much.

Friday, March 31, 2006

simone you truly are a lousy bridge player. i guess 61st out of 66 teams is a relfection of how bad you are. poor partner of yours. i pity her. i mean its like she's probably worthy of finishing in the top 10 and then she gets you as partner and ends up 61st. thats pretty sad you know simone. so next time choose a partner on par with you. though im sure it will be hard to find someone so bad as to be on par with you in terms of ability to play bridge.

thanks for the despeate housewives update again though!

first game of a div. what the fuck? which teams scores 4 goals in a match and does not win?



i scored one. sheer scored the second then it was the hafiz show.


Friday, March 03, 2006

i know its march and i have not updated. bascially i dont feel like blogging anymore but heck.

Cts were like fuck. im gonna fail physics and maths. which is disappointing but not the least bit suprising taking into account the effort or lack of effort id say ive put in this term. gotta get some momentum started for the big As.

school team soccer is a bitch. im prolly gonna keep the bench warm this year. which is fucked, but what makes it more fucked up is that i was a first team player in j1. like what the fuck?

here you go simone.

simone is a lousy bridge player. god only knows what she's doing in bridge club. wait. maybe even god is clueless as to what exactly you're doing in bridge club. she's got absolutely massive thighs (see my class photo). She's totally hooked on maple story. im not even sure if this lame game for the lifeless is called maple story, so correct me if im wrong. she's frequently like showing off that she's reached some super high level or something. and she was so traumatized when she lost her password. she thinks her singing is better than mine, but she's so wrong. her singing is horrible. but giving credit to her singing, her singing is not as bad as her talking. she talks like a frog, haha, i swear she croaks. and i take every opportunity to mimic her. altough i cant do a perfect imitation cos its hard to croak the way she does.

haha, thats simone for you. thanks for all the desperate housewives updates!


Saturday, December 31, 2005

England was fun. Anfield was the best experience ive had in my life. i wanna go back there. it was SUPERB.

Monday, December 05, 2005

I'm flying off to England tomorrow, for 2 weeks, ill be in Newcastle, Liverpool and London over the two weeks. And i have not even started packing and i have no idea what bag im gonna use. anyway, ill be watching Liverpool v Boro at Anfield. Cannot wait to set foot in Anfield, ive always wanted to do that from young.

Everything is going quite well now. thats good.

happy birthday maggot. too bad you have to work on your bdae. it makes me proud to see my son grow up so fast. haha.


Friday, November 18, 2005

sometimes friends you hold dear come and go. like acquaintances. it's sad. but it's a harsh reality of life, which i'm painfully learning the hard way. okay, enough emo whining. leave that to Don.

so i got my ps2 fixed, the lens was spoilt, and yep, now it's in perfect condition, hopefully it won't go boncus like it did agian, and hopefully this time we won't see too many flying controllers eh jason?
i'll be seeing a hell lot of this to pass time over the next few weeks:
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i'm definitly not a natural in golf, in fact, im quite the opposite, but having said that, i guess a lot can't be expected from seeing that i've only hit golf balls twice in my life, so there'a long way to go, i just have to hang in there, and take baby steps.


Friday, November 11, 2005

Rachel please take care of yourself, we'll pray for a quick recovery, for what its worth. you just take care of yourself, you look in much better shape than what i saw on monday, which is good, soon you'll be able to walk as usual, and sing for er....okay, i forgot the name of your choir, ill just leave it as 6.30pm SVDP choir.

i need to do somehting, honestlty, too many people have been commenting about my um..size? yeah, so i really need to lose weight, really, i do, i feel it when i play soccer even, getting tired too fast, and my movements are just so slow, shadow of what i was at the time of the a div, and that itself wasn't anything to go by, it was lousy. i need to do something, soon.


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